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Would Jesus Workout?

Life at the Intersection
of Faith and Fitness.


March 26th,
33 AD

A man stands on the crest of a long ridge squinting in the early morning sun rising across the hazy valley of the Jordan River below him. The low-lying Sea of Galilee, still shrouded in mist, lies to the east, just over his left shoulder. On his right, about ten miles to the north, just beyond the fertile Jezreel Valley, the upper slopes of dome-like Mount Tabor are already in full sun.

The 600 foot vertical climb he and his companions had made before the sun crept over the rim of the Golan Heights on the opposite side of the valley was not an easy one, yet he is neither winded nor sweating. In fact, after the shadowed, pre-dawn trek the feel of the warm sun on his tanned face is welcome. He is in the prime of his life, lean and hardened by work and travel, with the strong legs typical of a people used to walking long distances in mountainous terrain.

Do you have a passion for fitness? A commitment? You don’t even need to be in a gym to be a “gymrat.” You could be 16 or 60, hardcore bodybuilder or Silver Sneakers fan, a runner or a Pilates enthusiast. 

Who IS a gymRat?

YOU might be a Gymrat if . . .

Three reasons to read
the "Gymrat Gospel"

You are serious about your fitness but you know it needs to be about more than just sets, reps and heart rate.


You know there is more to life than just the physical experience.

Whether you are a bible-toting church goer or never attend a church service you realize there is more to life than just what you can see.


You're "Spritual but Not Religious"

This site is not about “religious” differences or denominational divides. Orthodox in our beliefs we are more concerned with what we have in common.


You seek truth and wisdom, even in your fitness Activities

We believe the Bible is the ultimate source of wisdom for living. Our writers view the world through a biblical “lens.”

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Would Jesus Workout?

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